
We have the highest grade equipment for vaporblasting in-house. Vaporblasting cleans parts and renews them to like new. Vaporblasting is safe on almost all parts including cylinder walls and valve seats.

Pipe Repair-
FMF recommended pipe repair shop. We offer dent repair on most pipes, cerakoting, and weld repair.

Custom Exhaust-
(We Must Have the Bike) We offer custom pipe building for MOST 2 & 4 Stroke dirt/snow bikes. Titanium, Steel or Stainless. Our pipes are built to your engine specs and your frame, so we have to have your bike. Lead times vary 2-12 weeks. Our pipes are 100% hand made with a slip roller, band saw, hand tig welded, and tubing bender. Raw steel race pipes are not meant to be pretty, more for the power. However, we can build you a show pipe as well.

Complete Bike Builds-
Limited spots per year available for complete one off bike builds. We're not the bike assemblers you see on youtube.. we own a welder, mill, lathe, pro porting tools, high dollar paint guns, and take pride in knowing how to use them. If you want the bike of your dreams, book your spot in the MtnMoto garage.

Engine building-
Limited engine building spots available starting in 2025. We kicked out all of the service and repair work and are only booking complete bike and/or engines builds! By dialing back we can now focus on our quality and high performance builds. Porting, coating, transmission polishing, we do everything in house except cylinder plating and mapping.. but we're partnered with the best in the biz for that as well!

Other services/Parts
We are a dealer for just about anything and everything! Although we're dialing back service and repair work to custom builds we still offer cylinder replating & repair, vortex ecu sales and mapping, parts sales, and vapor-blasting to the general public.

Questions about our Services? Give us a call at 208-771-7156 and leave us a message, or email us at